Women getting wet on hand

Sweaty palms can cause suffering – and now there is a cure!


Sweaty palms are not a sign of nervousness to certain people, they are a part of daily life.

This can impact the quality of life of an individual, causing them to shy away from socializing and certain activities.

Sweating is how you regulate your body temperature. Despite everyone’s sweating, living with nonstop sweaty hands can still make you self-conscious. Except for now due to COVID-19, welcoming others with a handshake is generally an everyday occurrence, depending on your routine. People who don’t have sweaty hands have no problem reaching out their hands. But if your hands are constantly clammy and wet, it can bring anxiety to something as simple as shaking hands.

Sweating is a necessity for life, as is food and water.

In Malaysia, hyperhidrosis affects about 3% of the population.

This shows that 981,000 Malaysians have hyperhidrosis and many of them do not know there are many treatments options to choose from. According to PloS One, there have been large variations in the prevalence of Hyperhidrosis in developed countries such as the United States (2.8%), Germany (6.3%), and Japan (12.8%). This is largely suspected to be due to genetic reasons.

How severe is my Hyperhidrosis?

The severity depends on how it can affect your daily life. It can cause social isolation, depression, and anxiety. Plus, it can be a sign of a serious health problem. You are wise to seek your doctor’s advice.

Contact your doctor if:

  • You seem to sweat a lot more than normal.
  • Your sweating doesn’t have a cause, such as exercising or being in hot weather.
According to hyperhidrosismalaysia.com, If you find yourself rating 3 or 4, we recommend you to receive treatment as soon as possible.

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is divided into two categories

The two types of hyperhidrosis are Primary Hyperhidrosis and Secondary Hyperhidrosis. Understanding the difference is one of the most important steps in understanding hyperhidrosis.

Primary hyperhidrosis is also known as Focal hyperhidrosis, a disease characterized by excessive sweating localized in certain body regions (particularly palms, feet, and underarms). It is not caused by another medical condition, nor is it a side effect of medications.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is also known as Generalized hyperhidrosis, which affects the entire body. The person sweats too much because of an underlying health condition, such as obesity, gout, menopause, a tumor, mercury poisoning, diabetes mellitus, or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland)

Excessive, uncontrollable sweating of the hands or palms, is called palmar hyperhidrosis.

It has been proven and published that palmar hyperhidrosis has the most significant adverse effect of any dermatological condition on the lives of patients.

Palmar hyperhidrosis in can seriously affect the quality of life of an individual. Sometimes sweating can cause emotional and psychological distress, and interfere with everyday activities.

A person with palmar hyperhidrosis experiences:

  • Excessive sweating not related to changes in body temperature or physical activity
  • Sweating that appears to involve the palms and fingertips, although it can happen across the body
  • The palms are getting cold and humid daily
  • In some cases finger swelling


Meanwhile, signs and symptoms of sweaty palms may include:

  • Clammy or wet palms of the hands
  • Frequent sweating
  • Noticeable sweating that soaks through clothing
  • Irritating and painful skin problems, such as fungal or bacterial infections
  • Worrying about having stained clothing
  • Reluctant to make physical contact
  • Self-conscious
  • Socially withdrawn, sometimes leading to depression
  • Restricted employment options where physical contact or human interaction is not a job requirement
  • Spend a large amount of time each day dealing with sweat, such as changing clothes, wiping, placing napkins or pads under the arms, washing, wearing bulky, or dark clothes

Sweat glands act as natural thermostat for the body. You get sweaty palms when they suddenly break into overdrive. While this may be socially embarrassing, the good news is that the treatment can control excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis.

In palmar hyperhidrosis, there are many non-surgical approaches for controlling excessive sweating. Many of these treatments can be effective for short time periods or for people with mild hyperhidrosis cases. Both recovery plans should be performed under professional supervision and should be focused on patient needs.


Sweaty palms, armpits and even face can be permanently treated by a procedure known as Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Sympathicotomy. This procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and two 5mm incisions are made on each side of the chest to allow access into the chest cavities. The results are usually instantaneous and the patient can leave the hospital on the same day with warm and dry hands. The overall success rate is close to 100%.


Looks like there’s more to sweaty palms or hyperhidrosis than many of us thought!

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