“Are the Covid-19 Vaccines HALAL?“, this is a question we often hear from the Malaysian community.
Why is the halal status of the Covid-19 vaccines for Malaysians so important?
As we know, the population of Malaysia consists of a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-ethnic society. The largest group of Malaysians is made up of three main races, namely Malay, Chinese and Indian. According to the 2010 Malaysian Population and Housing Census, 61.3 percent of the population is Muslim.
In line with the teachings of Islam, halal refers to something that Allah SWT requires human beings to eat, use, deal and so on. Therefore, the scope of halal in Islam is not only focused on food and consumables, in fact, covering the economic, financial, health and other aspects of the system of human life.
Pharmaniaga guaranteed Covid-19 vaccines are safe, effective and halal

On 2/2/2021, the Head of Pharmaniaga Research and Development Division, Dr Badarulhisam Abdul Rahman presented virtually on the development of the Covid-19 vaccine. Also participating in the presentation session was Pharmaniaga Group Managing Director, Datuk Zulkarnain Md Eusope.
He assured that the Covid-19 vaccine, CoronaVac produced by the Chinese pharmaceutical company, Sinovac Life Sciences Co Ltd (Sinovac), which will be accepted by the people of this country is safe, effective and halal.
“The vaccine produced using the inactive virus technology is the most effective and proven method since 40 years ago” he said.
He also said that the method used to produce the vaccine for dangerous diseases such as Polio and Hepatitis A is the method used for the Covid-19 vaccine.
It seems that this technology has proven to be effective compared to other new technologies whose risks are still unknown.
Meanwhile, Zulkarnain said Pharmaniaga had studied the contents, formulas and methods of the vaccine produced and was confident that it was halal to use as stated by the Indonesian Council of Scholars.
He also expects the CoronaVac vaccine to be approved by the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA) by the end of this month or early March before being distributed in April.
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